Welcome to Molly Lyns Voice
disclaimer: “I am not a therapist or doctor. I am a woman and mom.“
Hi Everyone,
This is my first post on Molly Lyns Voice. My goal is to speak to those who can relate to a story of a woman who has struggled to find out who she truly is and what she truly wants and needs.
After years of turmoil as a single mom, working 2 jobs, pay check to pay check and not understanding why some men can desert their families by putting drugs and alcohol first, I developed a skin that nothing can break. Learning the hard way you could say, might have been what I needed to finally love myself to make the very best decisions possible for my future at all times no matter what. I no longer need a man to set my value scale. My standards about myself no longer need validation from anyone other than God. I’ve set my horizons above the clouds, which is true freedom.
I have learned to conquer fomo, demolish the need for validation from anyone else but God, which helps guide my decisions. I now understand that boundaries are a human rule for the intention of our life path. I love spending time with me and need no one to tell me I am good enough or that I can succeed at something!! I know I can do anything I put my mind to.
I am also working on a youtube channel so hopefully we will meet there sometime 🙂
I am believing my story will resonate with other women and maybe some men. Self worth does not come from anyone else but you. Deep inside we have an innate knowing of who we are, sometimes buried, but it’s there. We lose track of our self, often putting others wants and needs before ours, not always bad but it can get ourself identity convoluted in the midst of others wants and needs. What happens is that we become codependent on making others happy and in the meantime we are suffering whether it’s mentally or physically. If we are not taking care of our needs as far as health, mentally, spiritually, etc.. we lose our sense of self and begin to pour ourself into others, often a particular person thinking they will someday notice us or reward us. Often there is a repetitive reward which is maintaining the codepence factor. I won’t go too deep into that right now but there is a silent killer of our self identity when we need constant reassurance from one or more people.
The game changer in my life has been to start taking care of myself both emotionally and physically. Starting with therapy and regular journaling. Maintaining a consistent schedule that helps me get enough sleep, staying on my tasks and bigger goals for my future. Getting healthy for the first time in my life gave me the kind of boost you can’t get from anything else. When I quit a terrible smoking habit and then finally quit drinking alcohol 2 years after that, helped me tremendously. I was able to think clearer without so much emotional interference. Having a little support group can help so much! There’s a facegroup for everything by the way lol.
For most of my life I thought life just happened to me until I came to the realization my decisions were the general manager of my futures outcome. I needed to develop boundaries and self value around my decision making and boom, I had a brand new life cooking and it was up to me what I was putting in it and getting out of it!
I will be posting lots on life stuff from getting healthy and selfcare to confronting personal issues to solutions. It’s not hard to fix your life when you have the right mindset.
I have to let you know true strength comes from our creator. I would be nothing without God.
I promise to read and reply to all comments
Hope to see you again!